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- Create a Quiz in Moodle | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Create a Quiz The "Quiz " is an activity that allows you to create a quiz or a test inside the course website. The Quiz can include questions of various types, such as multiple choice, matching, true/false and essay questions. Closed questions (such as multiple choice, true/false) are graded automatically according to the settings. Essay questions allow students to answer the question in text and therefore need to be graded manually. Do not duplicate a Quiz What's on this tutorial: Create questions in the Question bank Create a category in the Question bank Create a rubric for grading Essay questions Create the Quiz activity Add questions to the Quiz Add images to the Quiz Edit the Quiz pages Limiting the answer attempts in the Quiz Add a password to the Quiz Print a copy of the Quiz How to create a category in the Question bank? The questions in the Course question bank can be divided according to different categories (for example, divided into subjects/degrees of difficulty/time). Below are instructions for creating a new question category. 1. Enter the course website. 2. Click on "More " in the course's top menu. Then, click on "Course question bank ". 3. In the dropdown menu, choose "Categories ". 4. In the page that opens, click on "Add category ". 5. In the section "Parent category ", select the parent category. In the "Name " field, enter a title for the new category. To save, click on the "Add Category " button at the bottom of the screen. How to move a question to a different category? 1. To move existing questions from one category to another, enter the "Course question bank " and check V on the checkbox next to the relevant question or questions. At the bottom of the page, click on "With selected ", and then "Move to... ". 2. In the page that opens, select the category in the dropdown menu, and then click on the "Move to " button. Updating a question in the course question bank will change the question in all quizzes . Therefore, it is advisable to create a category and questions for each quiz separately . How to create a question in the Course question bank? 1. Enter the course website. 2. Click on "More " in the in the course's top menu. Then, click on "Course question bank ". 3. In the page that opens, select a category and then click on "Create a new question... ". 4. Click on the type of question that you would like to add and click on "Add ". You can find a detailed explanation on the main question types available in Click here to access it. How to create a rubric for grading essay questions? An essay question is checked manually. If the grading is divided between the teaching staff, it is recommended to build a rubric to make the process more efficient and coherent between the different graders. 1. Choose "Essay " as the question type and click on "Add ". 2. Type in the name of the question, the content of the question, and the response options. If there is a template to be followed by the students, define it in the "Response Template " field. * These instructions will be visible to students on the response input box. 3. You can enter the rubric for the quiz and the instructions for the graders of the essay question in the field "Information for graders ". * These instructions will be visible to those with teaching faculty permission in the course only. 4. To finish, click "Save changes ". Create the Quiz activity It is recommended to create each Quiz separately and not duplicate . If a question from the Course question bank is changed in a duplicated quiz, the question will also be changed in the original quiz, even if the original quiz has already ended and has been graded. 1. Enable " Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click on "Add an activity or resource " at the bottom of the section you would like to add your item to. 3. On the activity chooser, choose “Quiz ”. 4. In the "Name " field, type in the name of the quiz. 5. in the " Description " field, you can add opening instructions. C heck V in the checkbox " Display description on the course page " so the instructions will appear on course website, even before entering the quiz. Timing section 1. In the section "Open the quiz ", check V in "Enable " and choose the date and time of the start of the quiz. 2. In the section "Close the quiz ", check V in "Enable " and choose the date and time of the end of the quiz. Day Month Year Hour Minute 3. In the "Time Limit " section, you can determine the duration of the exam from the moment the students begin. Check V in the "Enable " and type in the number of weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds allocated for the exam. Example : On "Open the quiz " the start time was set for 14:00 On "Close the quiz " the end time was set for 15:00 On "Time limit " it was set for 15 minutes The students will be able to take the quiz in the defined time range (14:00-15:00), but from the moment they start answering the test, they will have fifteen minutes to complete it, else it closes automatically. In this example, if the student started the quiz at 14:55, they will have 5 minutes to complete the exam. (the end time overrides the time limit). Grade section limit attempts You can define the number of attempts the students are allowed when answering the quiz. Layout section 1. In the "New page " field, you can define if the questions will all appear on one single page or define how many questions will appear on each page. 2. By clicking on "Show more ", in "Navigation method " you can select "Free " or "Sequential ". Select "Free " to allow students to navigate freely between the questions during the quiz. That is, even if they have answered a question and moved on, they will be able to go back at any time until the test is closed. Select "Sequential " if you want the students to navigate according to the order of the pages and questions. When the quiz includes many questions, it is recommended to divide the questions into several pages. Click here to learn how to edit the quiz pages. If it is a small number of questions (10-15 questions), it is recommended to present each question on a separate page. Question behaviour section To randomly mix the order of the question choices, you can set the section "Shuffle within questions " as "Yes ". In this situation, if you define in a certain question that choices will not be mixed, only in that question will the choices remain in their order. If you define "No " in the above section, the choices will never be mixed, even if a certain question was defined differently. Review options section 1. You can define what the students will see and when. In the quiz it is advisable not to allow automatic feedback at all . Please note: in the upper left corner, the option "The attempt " in the column "During the attempt " - is permanently marked. During the attempt The students will be able to see what they chose during the answer to the test (in real time). Immediately after the attempt The feedback will appear to the students immediately after the submission (after clicking "Submit all and finish " and until they exit the exam). Later, while the quiz is still open The feedback will appear to students from the moment of submission until the Quiz is officially closed. For example: if a student submitted at 14:55 and the test closed at 15:00, the student can log out and log in to view the feedback, until 15:00. After the quiz is closed The students will be able to see the feedback only after the closing date of the Quiz, without limitation. For example: if the test closes at 3:00 p.m., the students will be able to see the feedback starting at 3:00 p.m. and without a time limit as long as the settings have not been changed. "The attempt " - Shows all the questions (including choices) in the quiz and how the student responded to each question. "Whether correct " - Displays whether the students response to each question is correct, partially correct, or incorrect. "Marks " - Shows the numerical grade for each question and the grades awarded to the student. "Specific feedback " - Shows the feedback for the response to the answer as set when adding the question. Each response to a question can have feedback for both correct and incorrect answers. "General feedback " - Displays the general feedback for the whole question as set when adding the question to the quiz. You can use the general feedback to give students some background to what knowledge the question was testing. "Right answer " - Reveals the correct answer to each question, even if the student answered incorrectly. "Overall feedback " - Displays feedback for the entire quiz depending on the student's grade, as set in the quiz settings. 2. To save, click on "Save and display ". Add questions to the Quiz How to add questions to the quiz? A. Add questions from one of the categories in the question bank B. Add a random question from a category add questions from category A. Add questions from a category in the question bank 1. Enter the quiz by clicking on it's icon on the Course webpage. 2. Click on "Quiz questions " in the quiz top menu. 3. Click on "Add " and then choose "from question bank ". 4. In the window that opens, click on the dropdown menu in the " Select a category " section and select the relevant category. 5. Check the questions that you would like to add to the quiz with a V. To finish, click on "Add selected questions to the quiz ". When the test includes many questions, it is recommended to divide the questions into several pages. If it is a limited number of questions (10-15 questions) it is recommended to present each question on a separate page. At this stage you can perform the following actions: A. Determine the "Maximum grade " for the test - it is recommended to keep the default of 100. Moodle calculates the quiz grade based on the "Total of marks " and the points awarded in each question. B. Choose whether to "Shuffle " questions (each student will receive the questions in a different order) add random question B. Add a random question from a category You can select a category from which each student will receive a random question. For example, if there is a pool of 50 questions in a category, and 5 were added as random questions, each student would receive 5 different questions from the category, randomly. 1. After entering the relevant quiz in the course menu, enter "Quiz questions ". In the window that opens, click on "Add " and select "a random question ". 2. In the " Category " section, choose the desired database (category) in the dropdown menu. 3. In "Number of random questions ", choose how many questions from the category will be included in the quiz. 4. To finish, click on "Add random question ". 5. Random questions in the test are marked with a cube icon. At this stage you can perform the following actions: A. Determine the "Maximum grade " for the test - it is recommended to keep the default of 100. Moodle calculates the quiz grade based on the "Total of marks " and the points awarded in each question. B. Choose whether to "Shuffle " questions (each student will receive the questions in a different order) Add images to the Quiz When images are added to questions in the quiz, the image may not be displayed in full. In this guide you will find instructions on how to set the image as a responsive image (an image that is displayed in a way adapted to the size of the screen). How to add images to the quiz that adjust to fit the screen (responsive)? 1. Enter the "Course question bank ". Option 1 : Click on " More " in the course's top menu. Then, click on " Course question bank ". Option 2 : Through the quiz, click on "Course question bank ". 2. Click on "Edit " next to the question with the image you want to make responsive (self adjustable). 2. Click on the image (the image will appear in blue). 3. Click on the image icon in the text editor. 3. In the "Image properties " window, check "Auto size " in the "Size " section. 4. Click on "Save image ". 5. To finish, in the "Edit question " page, click on "Save Changes " on the bottom of the screen. How to make sure that the image is responsive? 1. Enter the Quiz page. 2. Click on "Preview quiz ". 3. Go to the relevant question through "Quiz navigation ". 4. Reduce the size of the window by clicking on the panel icon in the corner of the browser. 5. You can change the window size by placing the mouse cursor at the edge of the window (the cursor is displayed as a double arrow), then clicking and dragging it. If the image does not change its size, contact Virtual TAU and we will be happy to check and help. Edit the Quiz pages What's in the guide? Divide the questions in the quiz into pages Dividing the questions into chapters using headings Organize the order of the questions Assign points to questions divide into pages How to divide the questions in the quiz into pages? To add or remove a page in the quiz pages, use the arrows next to the questions. Clicking on the arrows pointing out creates a new page that separates the questions. Clicking on the arrows pointing towards each other removes the page and merges the questions from the previous pages. Add page Remove page add a section heading How to add a section heading? You can divide the test into chapters and give them a name by adding a section heading. 1. In the Quiz questions page, click on "Add " and then, click on "a new section heading ". 2. Click on the pencil icon, type the desired section title and save by pressing Enter on the keyboard. 3. After the division into chapters, checking V in the "Shuffle " checkbox on the left will allow shuffling the questions only within the same section . The section titles and the questions' order will be visible to the students in the quiz. If you are not interested in add a title, you can press the "space" button on the keyboard and press Enter to save. That way, the title box will be empty and the questions in the test will appear in sequence. change the question order How to change the order of the questions? You can change the position of the question by pressing the "four arrows" icon and dragging the question to the appropriate place. question points How to assign points to questions? Updating points for a question is performed by clicking on the pencil symbol, typing the score for that question, and pressing Enter to save. If all the questions have the same number of points (the default is one), they will have the same weight in the quiz final grade. Add a password to the Quiz Creating a password in the Quiz activity It is possible to set a password in advance, so only the students will be able to enter the quiz activity. How to set a password in a Quiz? 1. Enter the quiz you created. 2. Choose "Settings " in the quiz page top menu. 3.In the "Extra restrictions on attempts ", click on "Click to enter text " and enter the password you want to set. 4. To save, press Enter on the keyboard. 5. Clicking on the "eye" icon will reveal the password. 6. Clicking on the pencil again will allow you to change the password. It is important to remember to send the password to the students. Print a copy of the Quiz 1. Enable " Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. If the right-side menu is closed, click on the tab to open the menu. 3. In the right-side menu, click on "Add a block ". 4. In the window that opens, click on "Print exams ". 5. A new block will be created on the right-side menu. If the right-side menu is not open, open it. 6. In the newly created block in the right-side menu, check V in the check box next to the quiz you want to print. Click on "Print " next to the name of the quiz. Checking the box with a V means that the printed test will include the correct answers. Therefore, if you want the test to be printed without the correct answers, do not check the box with a V, only press the "Print " button. 7. The test will now be previewed. To finish and confirm the print, scroll down and click on "Print " again.
- Group choice | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Group choice This activity allows students to divide themselves into groups in Moodle. Groups that the students choose are saved on the course website, so assignments and activities can be connected to them, for example: submitting assignments in a gr oup, opening an activity for a specific group (such as a dedicated forum for the group, re-examination, etc.). What's in this tutorial: Create the activity Set a time period for the activity Change number of students per group See group division create the activity time period change number of students see group division create the activity How to create the Group Choice activity ? 1. Enable "Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click on "Add an activity or resource " at the bottom of the section you would like to add your item to. 3. On the activity chooser, choose “Group Choice ”. 4. Type in a name for the activity in the "Group choice name " field, for example "groups for assignment 1". 5. You can write in the "Description " field an explanation/description for dividing into groups. 6. In the "Miscellaneous settings " section, you can choose: To allow students to enroll for several groups If the students will be able to see who signed up for which group (the lecturer will always see the names) To allow students to change their choice If the students see the names of those who have not answered yet (it is recommended to keep it "No ") 7. To limit the number of students who can register for groups, choose "Enable " in "Limit the number of members for each group ". Otherwise, there is no limit to the number of students who can register for each group. 8. To limit the number of members in all groups, mark V in "Limiting number of participants for all groups " and then write the limit in the field "Maximum number of participants for all groups ". 9. Groups: You can create new groups for this activity or choose groups from existing groups in the course. Option A - Creating new groups for the activity: Write a group name followed by # in the "Naming scheme " field. For example: "Group Choice #" Each group will receive the typed name and a different number. For example, if the "Naming scheme " is "Group Choice #", then the names of the groups will appear as follows: Group Choice 1, Group Choice 2, Group Choice 3... Define how many groups you want to be created in the "Number of groups " field. Option B - Choosing groups from existing groups in the course. In the "Available groups " panel, a list of the existing groupings in the course is displayed (marked with a triangle next to the name of the grouping) and all additional groups in the course. To select all the groups in the grouping: select the desired grouping and click on the "Add Grouping " button. To select a group/groups: select the desired group/groups and click on the "Add Group " button. The selected groups with appear on the right panel. time period Set a time period for the activity 1. If relevant, check the field "Restrict answering to this time period ". 2. Define a time range for selecting the groups, in the "Open " and "Until " fields. 3. To finish, click on "Save and display ". change number of students Change number of students per group 1. Return to the "Settings " page and scroll to the "Groups " section. 2. Select the group you want to change the limit of the number of participants. A box will open under the panel, where you can write down the new limit. You can see that the restriction has been updated next to the group name: 3. To finish, click on the button "Save changes and return to the course ". New in "Group choice ": If there are X groups in a sequence and you would like to add additional groups in the same sequence in the field: "Naming scheme" 1. In the field "Naming scheme", type in the same name (with a # at the end) 2. In the field: "Number of groups", type in how many groups you would like to add 3. In the new field "The numbering of groups will start from" type in which number to continue from the sequence For example: if there are 3 groups: Group 001, Group 002, Group 003 and we want to add two more groups to this sequence, we will fill in the fields as follows: • in the "Naming scheme": Group # • in the "Number of groups" field: 2 • in the field "The numbering of groups will start from": 4 After saving, two new groups will be created: Group 004 and Group 005. see group division See "Group Choice" division A list of groups and their members will appear for everyone in the course, according to the activity settings. Lecturers can also export the list of groups and members to an Excel file. 1. Enter the "Group choice " activity on the main page of the course website. 2. The list of students will appear according to the groups they chose to insert into the content 3. Click on "View X responses " located on the upper left side, in order to export the list of groups to Excel. 4. On the next page, click on "Download in Excel format ".
- Manage the Moodle course website | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Manage the course website Manage the course Make the course website available for students Import content from another course website (also from previous years) Import individual items using the Sharing Cart block Change language settings Create a Metacourse (combine courses) Restrict acess to course activities or sections Perform operations on several items at once New! Restore items deleted from the course website Reports on student data: quizzes, assigments, forums and H5P activities) Activity completion (button "mark as done") Manage participants Add Teaching Assistant Add a new user to the course Download a list of the students in the course Open the course website (for users without a University account) Attendance Divide the students into groups Group Choice activity - Students choose their groups Create groups (defined by the lecturer) Create random groups Upload groups from an Excel file Communications Lecturer Messages - send a message to all students Forum - discussion among the students Forum NG - private forum with students Chat - synchronous discussion Format and design the course website Edit the course homepage Add a label (text and media area) Add a media display (unilabel) Change section title or item name Add or delete a course section (topic) Add a secondary title Add an image to the course homepage
- First steps in Moodle | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
First steps in Moodle Main teaching platforms used in the University: Moodle, Panopto and Zoom (Video) Login to Moodle Build the course website Edit the course homepage Change language settings Change section title or item name Add a secondary title Add a course section (topic) Make the course website available for students Lecturer Messages - send a message to all students Create a Metacourse (combine courses) Manage participants Add Teaching Assistant Add a new user to the course Download a list of the students in the course Manage content Import content from another course website (also from previous years) Text editor (add and edit text and media) Add an image to the course homepage Add a link Add a video (link to YouTube) Add text content (Page, Book or label) Create an interactive video (H5P) Create an interactive presentation (H5P) Meetings and class recordings Obtain a University Zoom license Schedule a new Meeting Recording settings (before and during the meeting) Publication of class recordings to students
- Podcast on Moodle
Podcast on Moodle Lecturers can effectively incorporate podcast-type digital media into their teaching strategies. Adding a podcast to the course website on Moodle not only makes knowledge more accessible but also diversifies teaching methods. What is a podcast? A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of audio recording, usually in the form of series on various topics. These are radio-style programs that you can listen to on your phone or computer at any time. Podcasts can have a presenter or be a conversation between people, in the form of an interview or free conversation. Creating a podcast requires preparatory work, for example: deciding on the list of topics, a preliminary conversation between participants, or researching the subject. The podcast can be a single episode or a series that deal with a wide range of topics relating to different fields of study, research or areas of life. Types of podcasts: צעדים ראשונים ב-Moodle A video-integrated podcast where you see the presenters. Presenters can be in the same room or from different locations. Visual צעדים ראשונים ב-Moodle Broadcast (audio) available only for listening. All it takes to produce a regular podcast is a simple microphone. Vocal Suggested use for teaching: Opening Podcast : Unveil new content in preparation for class. Lecture Podcast : Presenting an entire content topic. Summary Podcast : Summarizing highlights of a lecture or unit of study. Complementary Podcast : Content enrichment. Podcast by the lecturer or a reference to a podcast by an expert on the subject. Discussion Podcast : On-air discussion among experts in order to present students with different perspectives on the subject. Learning Assignment : A podcast created by students as a basis for group and research work. What's in the guide? Set up the audio file recording on ZOOM Record the podcast on ZOOM How to create a podcast Upload the podcast to the course video server Edit and publish the podcast How to create a podcast? Step 1: Set up the audio file recording on ZOOM. Step 2: Record the podcast on ZOOM. Step 3: Upload the podcast to the course video server. Step 4: Edit and publish the podcast. How to create a podcast How to create a podcast? The process of creating a podcast includes several steps: 1. Set up audio recording on Zoom. 2. Record the podcast on Zoom. 3. Upload the podcast to Panopto's course folder. 4. Edit and publish the podcast on H5P. Set up the audio file recording on ZOOM Step 1: Set up audio recording on Zoom. 1. Go to Zoom website: ZOOM.US 2. From the admin menu, select Settings . 3. Select the Recordings tab. 4. For Cloud recordings , check V in Record audio-only files , and under it also check V on Record one audio file for all participants . 5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the Save button. Please note: this setting allows you to create an audio file in addition to the normal recording files of the ZOOM meeting. Record the podcast on ZOOM Step 2: Record the podcast on ZOOM At this stage, the podcast must be recorded via the Zoom item on the Moodle course website. When you've finished recording your podcast, you can end the meeting and wait for the Zoom notification that the recording is available. For all guidelines on creating a recording on Zoom, click here . Important tips for recording: a. Note that the meeting is being recorded. When the recording is on, "Recording" appears at the top of the screen on the left. If the meeting is not being recorded, you can click the Record button in the meeting management menu. b. Check your audio quality: Press the small arrow that appears next to the microphone button, and select Test Speaker & Microphone . Upload the podcast to the course video server Step 3: Upload the podcast to Panopto's course folder Just before editing the podcast, make sure that the desired recording appears on the course folder in Panopto. If it is an audio recording only, the audio file must be uploaded independently to the folder. Only after uploading the recording/audio to Panopto can you make edits, such as: cutting segments, adding titles and more. How to upload the audio file to the course folder in Panopto? 1. At the end of the recording, you will receive an email with a link to download the recordings. Press the View Detail button and download the desired recording to your PC. 2. Upload the recording file to the video server of the course - click here for instructions . Edit and publish the podcast Step 4: Edit and publish the podcast on H5P 1. Trim the timeline You can edit the recording times, by cutting segments directly within the video server: Click here for instructions. 2. Uploading the podcast to the H5P resource in Moodle At this stage, you can upload the podcast to the H5P resource. This resource allows you to add headlines, links, questions and more in order to enrich the learning process through the podcast. For instructions on H5P - click here .
- Noise control during a Zoom meeting | Virtual TAU Support
Noise control during a Zoom meeting What's in this tutorial: turn off microphones filter background noise How do you control the microphones of the participants in the meeting? How do you filter out background noise during a meeting? turn off microphones Turning off the microphones of all participants during a Zoom meeting Participants can turn off their microphones during the meeting at once using the "Participants " button. You can choose whether to allow the participants to open the microphone independently or not, after clicking the "Mute All " button. How to turn off the participants' microphones during the Zoom meeting? 1. Enter the ZOOM 2. Click on "Participants " in the toolbar 3. Click on "Mute All " 4. Remove the check next to the sentence "Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves ", in case you want the participants to not be able to open the microphone for themselves. Otherwise, leave the check mark so that the participants can control their personal microphone. 5. Click on "Yes " How to enable participants to turn on their microphones? 1. Click on "Security " in the toolbar 2. In the menu of the three dots, check the sentence "Allow participants to unmute themselves ", in case you want the participants to be able to control the personal microphone and open it for themselves. filter background noise Filtering background noise during a ZOOM meeting You can reduce background noise (such as dogs barking, typing, etc.) during the Zoom meeting by changing the microphone settings. There is a default background noise reduction, but the level of filtering can be adjusted based on need and environment. How to filter background noise during a Zoom meeting? 1. Enter the ZOOM 2. Click on the button next to the microphone button in the toolbar 3. In the window that opens, select "Audio Settings... " 4. In the "Suppress background noise " section , choose the level of noise filtering you want Zoom to activate, by checking the circle next to the options: Auto , Low , Medium , or High . 5. The changes made will be saved automatically.
- Zoom Version Update | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Zoom version update Zoom regularly updates to new versions in order to add new features and fix bugs. The recommendation is to upgrade to the latest version as soon as it is available. What's in this tutorial: update zoom via software update zoom via link Update through the software on your computer Update via the Zoom website update zoom via software How to update the Zoom software installed on your computer? 1. Enter the Zoom software installed on the computer 2. Click on Sign In to connect to the personal university account 3. Enter your login information (email address and password) 4. Click on Sign In 5. Click on your initials in the upper right part of the screen 6. Click on Check for Updates to search for advanced versions 7. Click on Update update zoom via link How to update the ZOOM version via a link? 1. Go to the download link on Zoom website 2. Click on Download found in the Zoom Client for Meetings slot 3. Click on the downloaded file located at the right top of the screen 4. Finally, the update will start downloading.
- Create an Assignment | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Assignment (File submission) The "Assignment " activity allows students to submit files on the course website. The lecturer and the teaching staff can grade and add feedback on the submission. Each student sees only his submission and feedback. How to create an assignment activity? 1. Enable " Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click on "Add an activity or resource " at the bottom of the section you would like to add your item to. 3. On the activity chooser, choose “Assignment ”. 4. In the "Assignment name " field, write the name of the assignment. 5. In the “Description ” and "Activity instructions " fields, it is possible to type in relevant remarks or instructions for the activity. 6. In the "Additional files " field, you can attach files related to the assignment activity (for example: questions page, submission template, etc.) 7. There are two ways to attach a file to an assignment: Option A - Dragging from a folder in your computer: Option B - Clicking on the arrow in the middle of the "Additional files " field. In the window that opens, click on "Choose File", then select the desired file. To finish, click on "Upload this file ". Assignment settings options Availability 1. "Allow submissions from " - from what date a student can upload a file for submission It is necessary to mark V next to "Enable " and set the desired time. 2. "Due date " – the deadline for submission (students see this date in the assignment instructions). 3. "Cut-off date " – from what date it will no longer be possible to submit (students do not see the date). 4. "Send a reminder message to lecturer by " – sends a reminder to the lecturer about grading submissions. Day Month Year Hour Minute If the "Cut-off date " is not set, students will be able to submit late. Both you and they will receive an indication of the actual date of submission and how many days late it was submitted. 5. "Time limit " – When checked, you can limit the time for submitting the assignment after opening the assignment page and instructions. This is useful for a home exam, for example, that the students receive the instructions for the test within the assignment and have limited time to submit it. 6. "Lock submission when the time limit passes " - from what date it will no longer be possible to submit (students do not see the date), available if "Time limit " is enabled. 7. "Always show description " – When checked, the "Description " and files added will be available to students as long as the assignment is available. Submission types 1. You can define what students will submit in the "Submission types " section: File submissions – An external file that is uploaded to Moodle. Online text – Students can write a text submission in Moodle. 2. In order to limit how many files the students will be able to submit, select the number in the "Maximum number of uploaded files " box. 3. If you want to determine the type of files to be submitted (e.g. only Word or PDF files) you can set in the section "Accepted file types " by writing the file type in the text box or clicking "Choose ". 4. After clicking "Choose ", you can choose from the different types supported by Moodle in the window that opens, then click "Save changes ". Grades 1. You can set the assignment to "None ", "Scale " (Pass/Fail, Submitted/Not Submitted) or "Point " (default option). By choosing this option you can set a "maximum grade " for the assignment (the default is 100). 2. To set up anonymous submissions, in the "Anonymous submissions " field, check "Yes " so that graders cannot know the identity of the students. In Anonymous submissions , after grading students' identities must be disclosed so that they can see their grade and feedback. Access restriction You can hide the assignment until a certain date in the "Restrict access " section. 1. Click on "Add Restriction ". 2. In the window that opens, choose "Date ". 3. Set the date when the assignment becomes available. Open eye : Students see that there is an activity but you can't open it. Closed eye : Students will not see the activity. 4. To finish, click on the "Save and return to course " button at the bottom of the page.
- Copy of שיתוף מצגות PowerPoint כרקע ו... | Virtual TAU Support
הצגת הוידאו של המציג על גבי מצגת ה-PowerPoint (שיתוף מצגות PowerPoint כרקע וירטואלי) אפשרות זו זמינה בעת שיתוף מסך דרך האפשרויות המתקדמות: 1. ניתן להגדיל/להקטין את תצוגת הוידאו האישית על פני המסך, וגם להזיז אותה על פני השקופית. 2. שיתוף מצגות PowerPoint כרקע וירטואלי, יהיה זמין במקרה שהמחשב האישי תומך ב-Virtual Background. 3. המצגת תוקרן במצב הדומה ל-PDF. המשמעות היא שהנפשות וסרטונים מוטמעים לא יפעלו. מה במדריך? כיצד להציג את הוידאו של המציג על גבי מצגת ה-PowerPoint? כיצד לשנות את מיקום חלון הוידאו של המציג ולהגדיל/להקטין את תצוגתו? מיזוג חלונית הוידאו עם המצגת הזזת חלונית הוודיאו מיזוג חלונית הוידאו עם המצגת כיצד להציג את הוידאו על גבי מצגת ה-PowerPoint? 1. היכנסו לפגישה ב-ZOOM 2. לחצו על "Start Video” בסרגל הכלים 3. לחצו על "Share Screen” בסרגל הכלים 4. לחצו על "Advanced” 5. לחצו על “PowerPoint as Virtual Background " 6. לחצו על " Share" 7. ייתכן ותתבקשו להתקין תוסף למסך הוירטואלי. אשרו את בקשת ZOOM וזה יעשה באופן אוטומטי. אם תתבקשו לבצע התקנה, ייתכן ותצטרכו ללחוץ שוב על ה- "Share Screen" 8. בחרו את המצגת שתרצו לשתף ולסיום לחצו על "Open ” 9. כדי להציג את ה-Video של המציג על רקע המצגת, יש ללחוץ על הכפתור בתחתית המסך ולאחר מכן ללחוץ על " Merge Video and PowerPoint” 10. כעת חלונית ה-Video של המציג מוצגת על רקע המצגת 11. כדי להסיר את חלון ה-Video של המציג מרקע המצגת, יש ללחוץ על הכפתור " " הנמצא בתחתית המסך ולאחר מכן ללחוץ על “Split Video from PowerPoint” הזזת חלונית הוודיאו כיצד לשנות את מיקום חלון הוידאו של המציג ולהגדיל/להקטין את תצוגתו? 1. לשינוי מיקום ה-Video, יש ללחוץ על תצוגת הוידאו הנמצאת על רקע המצגת באמצעות לחיצה על המקש השמאלי בעכבר, עד שתופיע מסגרת כחולה סביב ה-Video. 2. גררו את חלונית הוידאו בעזרת המקש השמאלי בעכבר לכל נקודה שתרצו על פני המצגת. 3. להגדלת תצוגת הוידאו , יש ללחוץ על חלון ה-Video על ידי לחיצה על המקש השמאלי בעכבר, לעמוד עם סמן העכבר על חלונית הוידאו ולמשוך את אחד הקצוות של החלון.
- Adding files and folders to the course | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Adding files to the course website Various types of files can be uploaded to the course website (Pdf, word, Excel, PowerPoint and more). What's in the tutorial: How to add a file / several files to the course website? Creating a file folder on the course website Adding files to the course website Creating a file folder on the course website How to add a file / several files to the course website? How to add a file / several files to the course website? 1. Enable "Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Select the relevant file(s), drag it/them from the computer folder to the designated topic on the course website, and release the mouse when "+Drop files here to add them at the bottom of this section " appears. Dragging one file: Dragging multiple files: You can add several files together, of different types, including zip, to the course website 3. To change the file name, click on the " pencil " icon and then click Enter to save. Creating a file folder on the course website Create a folder There is an option to create a folder files that will be available to the lecturer and students. 1. Enable "Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click on "+ Add an activity or resource " in the topic in question. 3. In the activity chooser window, select the "Folder " option. 4. Write the Name of the folder and add instructions or a description of the files in the "Description " field. 5. Mark "V" in "Display description on course page " so that the instruction will be displayed on the main page of the course. 6. Drag the desired files to the drag-and-drop box. An unlimited number of files can be uploaded, but a folder cannot be uploaded . Marking "V" in " Allow students to add files and edit the folder " is optional and also allows students to manage the folder: add files to it and edit files they have uploaded. 7. To finish and view the content, click on "Save and display ". 8. If the students were given the option to add files, they can enter the folder on the course website and add files by clicking the "Edit " button.
- Atto Text Editor on Moodle
The Atto Text and Media Editor The text and media editor allows you to add text and media content to the Moodle website. This tool is present in most components and actions in the Moodle, such as: Forum , description and instructions in the activities, Quiz , Page , Journal . Using the content editor you can: Add a subtitle to a topic. Add links to an external site and file. Add photos and animations. Embed an entire Word file as text. Embed videos and recordings (including H5P video). What's in the guide? How do I add a link to a website? How do I add a link to a file? How do I embed a Word file? How to add an image using the content editor? link to a file on moodle hyperlink Embed a Word file on Moodle add an image using the content editor on Moodle Click on one of the categories to learn about the editing tools General use Add media Edit text Click on the arrow to expand the toolbar New in the 2024 Moodle! Precise language orientation control button: Allows you to change text direction from different languages within text. hyperlink How to add a hyperlink to a website? 1. Type in the text or paste an image into the editing field of the content editor. 2. Select the text or image that will be a link. 3. Click on the link icon . 4. In the panel that opens, enter or paste the link address to the relevant website. 5. Finally, click on "Create link ". Example of creating a hyperlink in text: Example of creating a hyperlink in an image: link to a file on moodle How do I add a link to a file? 1. Enter the text or paste an image into the editing field of the content editor. 2. Select the text or image that will be a link. 3. lick on the "link " icon. 4. In the panel that opens, click on "Browse repositories ...". 5. In "Choose File " search for the desired file on your computer and select it. 6. To finish, click "Upload this file ". Embed a Word file on Moodle How do I embed a Word file? 1. Press the Word button. 2. In "Choose File " search for the desired file on your computer and select it. 3. Finally, click "Upload this file ". add an image using the content editor on Moodle How to add an image using the content editor? There are 3 options for inserting an image in the content editor: Option A - 1. Click on the Add Image icon. 2. Select the desired image by clicking "Browse Repositories ", then browse to search your computer. 3. Finally, click "Save image ". Option B - 1. In the toolbar, click on the image insert icon. 2. In the window that opens, in the "Enter URL " field, enter a link to the image you selected from the Internet. 3. In the box below, add a description to the image and finally click "Save Image ". Option C - 1. Choose an image, and using "copy" and "paste" attach it to the designed content page in the desired place. 2. To finish, click on "Save image ". When you are done editing the content page, click on the "Save and display " button. View an example of a content page that includes a link to a file and an image: How to add a file to the page resource? 1. In the editor box, write the text that will be a link to the file, for example: "Click here to download the file" Highlight the text and click on the "link " icon. 2. In the window that opens, click on "Browse repositories... " 3. In the next window that opens, check that the selected tab in the menu on the left is "Upload a file " and then click on "Choose file ". 4. Choose the file you want to upload from your computer, double-click on it and check that it is now attached. 5. To finish, click on "Upload this file ". Looking for a specific action using Content Editor? We have more tutorials! How to add a secondary title? (Hebrew) How to add a link to a video from YouTube site? How to embed elements using HTML (for example, Padlet or Google Slides)? How to embed a video from Panopto on the course website in Moodle?
- Add content to Moodle - Page, Book and Label resources
Add content to the course page In Moodle, you can add and design different types of content that are embedded directly within the course website such as text, formulas, images, sound (audio) and videos (video) - without the need to download a separate file. The resources detailed in this guide have several advantages: Open directly on the course website so there is no need to download a separate file (e.g. Word) Convenient for students to view on a mobile device Changes can be updated directly on the page (rather than changing the files and uploading them again) Link the text to the glossary activity of the course website Add external links What's in the tutorial: label page book Add a text and media area (label) Add a page resource Add a book resource label Text and media area (Label) The Text and media area (Label) allows you to add text and media to the course page. Through it you can: Add a secondary title to the topic Add instructions and explanations on the course page Add links on the course page Add a variety of media How do you add a Text and media area (Label) to the course website? 1. Enable "Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click on "+ Add a resource or activity " in the topic in question. 3. In the window that opens, select the "Text and media area (Label) " option. 4. On the editing page you can add content. Clicking on the arrow icon displays additional buttons. In addition, when you point to a button, a description of its function also appears. secondary-title How do you add a secondary title ? A secondary title allows division into subtopics within a certain topic/section 1. Write the subtitle in the text box 2. Select the text. 3. In the toolbar, click on "Font size " and choose a size, for example "x-large ". 4. To add the title and save, click on "Save and return to the course " at the bottom of the screen. The secondary title will appear within the subject on the course page: For additional options for adding media and text with the text editor , click here . Page resource page The resource "Page " makes it possible to prepare an informative page that is embedded directly within the course website without the need to download a separate file. You can design the page, add text, images, sound (audio) and videos (video). A page has several advantages: Opened directly on the course website so there is no need to download a separate file (e.g. Word) Convenient for students to view on a mobile device Changes can be updated directly on the page (rather than changing the files and uploading them again) The text can be linked to the glossary of the course website You can add links How do you add a Page resource to the course website? 1. Enable " Edit mode " on the upper right corner of the page. 2. Click on " Add a resource or activity " in the topic in question. 3. In the window that opens, select the "Page " option. 4. Write the title of the page in the "Name " field. You may add a description as well. 5. Mark "V" in the field "Display description on course page ", so that the description will be displayed on the main page of the course. 6. Write and format the text in the "Page content" box. 7. To finish, click on "Save and return to course " at the bottom of the screen. For additional options for adding media and text with the text editor , click here . book Book resource A book allows the creation of learning material consisting of a large number of pages containing text, images, videos and other multimedia elements, which amount to a book with chapters and sub-chapters. How to create a book on the course website? 1. Move the "Edit mode " button located at the top of the course site on the right, to the activated position. 2. Click on " Add a resource or activity " in the topic in question. 3. In the window that opens, select the "Book " option. 4. Write the title of the book in the "Name " field. You may add a description as well. 5. Mark "V" in the field "Display description on course page ", so that the description will be displayed on the main page of the course. 6. Choose whether the chapters and sub-chapters are organized numerically, using bullets, indentation or without arrangement. None Bullets Numbers Indented 7. Check the "Custom titles " section if you want the titles not to be displayed automatically in each chapter. Custom titles - Checked Custom titles - Unchecked 8. To finish, click on "Save and display ". Add chapters to Book resource 1 . Enter the book component you created. In the window that opens, add a name to the chapter in the section "Chapter title " and "Content " to the first chapter. For additional options for adding media and text with the text editor , click here . 2. Mark V if the topic is a "Subchapter " (after creating at least one chapter, you can create subchapters). And to finish, click on "Save Changes ". Edit the book chapters 1. When editing is enabled, clicking on the icons in the table of contents allows you to edit, hide or delete the chapter as well as add additional chapters. 1. Move chapter 2. Edit chapter 3. Delete chapter 4. Hide chapter 5. Add chapter 1 2 3 4 5 2. After adding another chapter, it is possible to navigate between the chapters of the book using the arrows on the bottom of the page. Edit the book chapters You can import a Word file for a chapter in a book as well as export one chapter or the entire book. 1. Create a Word file with Headings, chapters will be created in the book according to the title level. For example, "Heading 1" will be a main chapter and "Heading 2" will be a subsection. 2. To import, go to the book and click on " Import from Word " in the management bar 3. To upload, select the file from your computer and drag it, then click on "Import " 4. To finish, click "Continue " What can students do in a book? Besides viewing and reading the contents of the book, the students can also print the book or specific chapters. They can move from chapter to chapter in the book either by using the table of contents in the box on the right, or by using the "Next ", "Previous " or "Exit " buttons located at the bottom of each chapter.