Editing the Course Homepage
To edit the course website, click on the "Edit mode" button located at the top right corner of the screen. When the slide button is blue, the "Edit mode" is on.

When the "Edit mode" is on, three-dot buttons appear. These buttons allow editing topics or items. Some of the item types: forum, file, quiz, assignment, and more.
How to add an activity or resource?
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Click on "Add an activity or resource" at the bottom of the section you would like to add your item to.

3. Select the item you want to add in the "Add an activity or resource" pop up. Click the “i” for more information.

How to add or delete a section/topic?
How to add a topic?
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Under each topic in the course, the "Add topic" button will appear. Click to add a new topic under the selected topic.

How to remove/delete a topic?
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.
2. Click on the three-dot button in the subject line, on the right side.
3. Click on "Delete topic". This will erase the topic. The items in the section are moved to the recycled bin.

How to change a section title or item name?
1. Enable edit mode on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Click the pencil icon next to the section or item to rename it.
3. Type or paste the new name.
4. Press Enter to finish (or Escape to cancel).

How to move an item or section?
Option A – Dragging
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

You can now drag the resource or topic and place it between two other topics by clicking on it when the arrow panel appears and dragging it to the desired location.
Dragging sections:

Dragging items:

You can also move them by dragging the desired topic or item in the course index (on the left of the page):

Option B - Clicking on the Edit button
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Click on the three-dot button in the subject line, on the right side.
3. Click on "Move".

4. Click on the placement you want your item or section to be in.

Edit button on Topics/Sections
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Click on the three-dot button in the subject line, on the right side.

3. Clicking on the three-dot button next to the section opens a menu of options that include:
Edit topic – this will redirect to a page to edit the name, summary, and access to the section.

Highlight – this will highlight the section on the course homepage and index. This option can be used to refer the students to an important section or the week’s lesson, for example.
On the homepage:

In the course index:

Hide/show topic – this will change the status of the section regarding the student’s interface.
Clicking on "hide topic" allows you to hide an entire topic. When a topic is hidden, students cannot see the topic and the contents included in it. Another click on the eye ("Show topic") will bring the subject back into view.

Move – this will change the location of the section. More information here.
Delete topic – this will erase the section. The items in the section are moved to the recycled bin.

Edit button on Items (activities or resources)
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Click on the three-dot button in the subject line, on the right side.

3. Clicking on the three dots next to the item opens a menu of options that include:

Edit settings – Redirects to a page to edit the activity or resource, specific to each type of item.
Move – Changes the location of the section. More information here.
Hide – Hides the activity or resource for the students
Duplicate – Creates an identical item
Assign roles – Assigns roles specifically for this activity
Delete – Erases the item. The erased items are moved to the recycled bin.
Add an image to the course homepage
Option A - Dragging:
1. Enable "Edit mode" on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Drag the picture from the folder on your computer.

3. Choose the option you prefer in the pop up window that appears and click "Upload":
Add media to the course page – the image will appear on the course page.
Create file resource – the image will appear as a link file on the course page.

This is how the picture will appear on your course homepage, by selecting "Add media to the course page":