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Courses in Moodle
First steps in Moodle
Moodle - Manage the course website
Moodle - Activities and Resources
Moodle - Assessment and Grades
Zoom - Distance teaching
Recordings and Video editing
Contact us
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Recordings and Video editing
Instructions for students - Access to recordings from 2022/2023 and previous years
Publish Panopto recordings
Publication of class recordings to students
Sharing recordings (also from previous years)
Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto
Add a link to a Panopto folder in Moodle
Embed a recording from Panopto in Moodle
Change the order of the recordings
Change the recording's name
Add permissions in Panopto (Share)
Share an entire folder
Share a specific recording
Restrict access to a recording
Add a co-editor to the folder
Upload and transfer videos in Panopto
Panopto's site
Upload video files
Create a new folder
Copy and move recordings
Download a recording to your computer
Record and edit in Panopto
Panopto's site
Edit a video in Panopto
Merge recordings in Panopto
Delete recordings in Panopto
Record with Panopto for Windows
Record with Powerpoint
Microsoft's site
Record your screen in PowerPoint
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