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Noise control during a Zoom meeting

turn off microphones

Turning off the microphones of all participants during a Zoom meeting

Participants can turn off their microphones during the meeting at once using the "Participants" button. You can choose whether to allow the participants to open the microphone independently or not, after clicking the "Mute All" button.

How to turn off the participants' microphones during the Zoom meeting? 

1. Enter the ZOOM

2. Click on "Participants" in the toolbar

3. Click on "Mute All"


4. Remove the check next to the sentence "Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves", in case you want the participants to not be able to open the microphone for themselves.

Otherwise, leave the check mark so that the participants can control their personal microphone.


5. Click on "Yes"


How to enable participants to turn on their microphones?

1. Click on "Security" in the toolbar

2. In the menu of the three dots, check the sentence "Allow participants to unmute themselves", in case you want the participants to be able to control the personal microphone and open it for themselves.

filter background noise

Filtering background noise during a ZOOM meeting

You can reduce background noise (such as dogs barking, typing, etc.) during the Zoom meeting by changing the microphone settings.

There is a default background noise reduction, but the level of filtering can be adjusted based on need and environment. 

How to filter background noise during a Zoom meeting?

1. Enter the ZOOM

2. Click on the button next to the microphone button in the toolbar

שורת פקדים.PNG

3. In the window that opens, select "Audio Settings..."

ניסיון נוסף.PNG

4. In the "Suppress background noise" section , choose the level of noise filtering you want Zoom to activate, by checking the circle next to the options: Auto, Low, Medium, or High

תפריט מיקרופון.PNG

5. The changes made will be saved automatically.

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