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Anonymous grading in Assignment

Hiding the students' names in an Assignment in Moodle allows you to check the submissions anonymously. It is important to ask the students not to specify personal details in the name of the file or in the content of the submission, in order to maintain the anonymity.
After finishing checking the assignments, the names of the students are revealed and the checked assignments, the grades, and the feedback are published.

How to make the students anonymous when checking the assignment?

How to make the students anonymous when checking an assignment?

1. Enter the Assignment and then click on "Settings" in the top menu.


2. In the "Grade" section, check "Yes" in the "Anonymous submissions" dropdown menu, and click on "Save and display" to finish.

בדיקה אנונימית מסומן כן.JPG
כפתורי שמירה.JPG

This option can only be set before the students' submissions.

Once there are submissions, it will not be possible to change it.

3. Click on "View all submissions" in the Assignment page to view the data of the submissions.

Each student was given a random number without identifying details.

כפתור צפייה בכל ההגשות.JPG
משתתפים מוצגים אנונימית לפי מספריהם.JPG
How to reveal the assignment grades to students after an anonymous check

How to reveal the assignment grades to students after an anonymous check?

1. After checking the assignments and in order to reveal the grades to the students, click on the "More" button in the top menu, and then on "Reveal student identities".

חשיפת זהויות סטודנטים.JPG

2. In the pop-up window, click on "Continue" to complete and confirm the action.

אישור חשיפת זהויות סטודנטים במטלה.JPG

The grades will not be available to the students without revealing the identities

3. After that, click on "Please note, grades and feedback are not available to students. Click to make available".

התראה שהציונים לא זמינים.JPG

4. In the next page, choose whether to send a notification to students.
If so, whether to send a message to all students or only to students who received a grade/feedback.
To finish, click "OK".

האם לשלוח הודעה לסטודנטים.JPG
How do the students see the grades/feedback?

How do the students see the grades/feedback?

Students must click on the assignment item to open a page with their submission details, grade, feedback, checked file, etc.


The students can download the feedback as a file to the personal computer, and if a message appears "View annotated PDF..." it is possible to click on the link and view the content of the feedback online.

How do you update the students about grades and feedback in the assignment?

How do you update the students about grades and feedback in the assignment?

After grades are made available to students, students can be notified that their assignment has been reviewed and given a grade/feedback, in two ways:

Option 1: On the assignment grading page, mark with a V whether to send a message to a specific student whose work was graded.

אפשרות להודיע על ציון לסטודנט דרך עמוד בדיקת המטלה במודל.JPG

From the student's point of view, this is what the email will look like:

מייל מנק מבט הסטודנט- 2.PNG

Option 2: Make grades available to students. On the Assignment page, choose whether to send a message to all students or only to those to whom you have given a grade and/or feedback.

התראה שהציונים לא זמינים.JPG
האם לשלוח הודעה לסטודנטים.JPG

And from the student's point of view, this is what the received email will look like:

מייל מנק מבט הסטודנט-1.PNG
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