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Recordings in Panopto

Recordings that have not been watched for 6 months will be archived and therefore unavailable for viewing. They can be restored, the process may take up to 48 hours. For instructions, click here.

Recordings that have not been watched for 30 days after they were returned from the archive will be archived automatically again.

Publication of class recordings for students

Publication of class recordings for students

The recordings of the meetings created through the Zoom resource on the Moodle course website are automatically moved to the course folder on the Panopto server.

They will be visible for Teachers in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website in gray. The students will not be able to see them until they are approved for publication by the owner of the recording, and will appear in blue.


There are two options for publishing the recordings:

A. Publication of a single recording – click here for instructions.

B. Publication of all recordings in the course folder at once.

All recording scheduled via Zoom on the course website will be moved to the course folder in Panopto and will be published to students automatically – click here for instructions.

How to publish a recording of a single lesson to students

How to publish a recording of a single lesson to students?

1. Go to the relevant course website, and in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, click on "Course settings".


2. Close the pop up window that will open on the Panopto website by pressing the X.


3. Hover the mouse over the recording you want to make available for students and click on the three-dot button. Then click on the "Publish" button.


Now, the students will be able to see the recordings published in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website.

How to publish the entire course folder to students?

How to publish the entire course folder to students?

1. Go to the relevant course website, and in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, click on "Course settings".


2. In the pop up window that opens, scroll down to the topic "Availability". Under the heading "Session becomes available" click on "Immediately” and click on the "X" to close and save.


The course folder will be available for students. Every recording made through the course website will be automatically published to students and will be displayed in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website in blue.

Sharing folder and recordings

Sharing folder and recordings (also from previous years)

The course folder and specific recordings in Panopto can be shared with students enrolled in courses in the current academic year, even if they are from previous years.

You can share them with all course participants or with specific users.

How to grant viewing permissions in a course's recordings folder?

1. Log into Moodle, then to the course website where the recording folder you want to share is located. (Pay attention to the academic year in which the course took place: if the course was delivered in 2021-22, you must log into Moodle for תשפ"ב, etc.).

2. In the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website, click on "Course settings”.


There are two options for sharing the recordings:

A. Sharing the entire course folder    B. Sharing a specific recording

3. To share the entire folder, click on the Share symbol located in the upper right corner.

3. To share a specific recording, select the recording and click on the Share button under the Course name.


4. In the “Add people and groups” field, write the course number of the current academic year (you can type in the names of specific users as well). (for example: 0116593799-2023-1)


5. Choose the three suggested groups of the course number for the current academic year (each line is separate).

6. Click on "Save".


To grant viewing privileges to a specific user: type in the username in Hebrew or a university email address (Remember to select the current year).

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add recordings link to the course

How to share recordings from a previous year in the Course website?

1. Click on "Copy Link" in the Share window in Panopto - in the recording or folder to which you want to give access to.


2. Return to the course website in Moodle (make sure you are in the current school year). Add the "URL" resource in the relevant topic. For instructions on adding an item, click here.


3. In the "Name" field, name the link. For example "Recordings from previous years".

Paste the folder or recording link in the "External URL" field.

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4. Click “Save and return to the course”. The recordings will now be available in the course website.

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Restrict access to a recording

Restrict access to a recording

To restrict the access to a specific recording without altering the course folder settings, you can create a subfolder and select the users that have access to it.

1. Enter the folder where the course recordings are located. 

2. Click on the "Add folder" button.

3. In the "Enter name" field that opens, type in the name of the folder. (for example, "Recordings for group 1"). Finish by pressing enter on the keyboard.


4. Enter the new folder and click on the "Share" button located in the upper right corner.


5. In the window that opens, click on the "change" button under the "People and groups" field headline.

6. In the pop up window that opens, click on "Stop Inheriting" .  

This action means that the permissions in the new folder will not depend on the course folder. (If you added someone as an authorized viewer to the course folder, they will not be automatically added to this folder)


It is important to leave the V mark next to the section: "Keep 3 members as added users" in order to keep your privileges as the owner of the folder

7. In the section named "viewer" (viewer = viewing permission for students), click on X to remove the permission for students. Leave the creator and publisher permits unchanged (=viewing permission for the teaching staff). 

To finish, click save.


8. In the Add people and groups field, type in the name(s) of the user(s) you want to give viewing permission to. Remember to choose the user's browser for the current school year.


9. To finish, click save.


For instructions on how to copy a recording you want to share to this folder, click here.

Add a co editor to a folder

Add a co-editor to a folder

For more people to be able to edit the folder and the recordings that are in it - there is a need to add them as co-editors. This permission is called "Creator". It is important to know that adding a user as a Creator will give them full permission to view, share, delete, etc. Creator permissions can be granted to specific users (associated with Tel Aviv University only) in the course's recording folder (as well as from previous years). 

It is important to note that the default for granting permission is through the "Viewer" permission for viewing only (without the ability to edit, transfer, copy or download the recording to a computer).

1. Enter the relevant course folder in Panopto through the course website in Moodle. For instructions, click here.

2. Click on the "Share" button located in the upper right corner.


3. In the "Add people and groups" field, type in the name of the university user to whom you want to give editing permission in the folder (remember to choose the current school year). On the right side of the screen, choose the type of permission required:

Creator = editing permission

Viewer = viewing permission only

Finally, click "Save".


4. Now you can send the link to the participants by pasting it in an email (Ctrl+V) or by adding the link to the course website. For more instructions on sending Announcements to students, click here.

Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto

Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto

Due to storage limitations, unwatched Panopto recordings are automatically archived.

In the course folder - recordings that have not been watched for 6 months will be archived.

In the personal folder - recordings that have not been watched for 2 months will be archived.

A recording that has been archived will be displayed as unavailable in the folder.

If the students and lecturers want to watch a recording that is in the archive, clicking on the recording will restore the video. From the moment you click on the recording, it will be restored (it can take up to 48 hours) and will be available for viewing.

If the recording has not been viewed 30 days after restoration, it will be archived again. Therefore, it is recommended to watch the restored recordings, otherwise they might be archived within 30 days.

1. Enter the relevant folder (whether it is the "Meeting Recordings" folder or a course folder).

2. Click on the "Archived" button (it will show the number of recordings in the archive).

3. Check off all the recordings you wish to restore (at least one).


4. After checking all the recordings for restoration, click on "Restore".


5. Confirm the restoration in the pop-up message by clicking "OK"


6. Now the restoration process will begin and a message will be displayed: “Video restore from the archive started”. The recordings will be available for viewing within 48 hours. Panopto will also display the estimated time remaining until the recording is fully restored.

When the video is restored, you will receive an email from Panopto and the video will automatically move to the folder.

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