Upload questions from a Word file
to course question bank
You can upload questions from a Word file to the Moodle course question bank. In the questions you can add media such as pictures, links and YouTube videos.
The questions can be multiple-choice questions or essay questions.
To upload them to Moodle, prepare the Word file as described in this guide.
In order for Moodle to identify the questions according to the fields that exist in Moodle, the file must include indicators to the fields to the system.
The fields are:
Question name
Question text
Correct answer
Wrong answers
End of question
1. These are the indicators that should be used in the file:

Images can be added in any field in the Word file: in the question name field, in the question content field, and also in the answers. After uploading the question with the image to Moodle, the image will appear in its designated place.
Examples of questions:
A. Multiple choice question

B. Essay question

- You should number the questions with at least two digits so that the questions are displayed continuously in Moodle, for example: 01, 02, 03
- You can also add the correct answer to the question name, which can make it easier if students have questions (the question name is shown only to the teaching staff).
Click here to download a Word file model for the two types of questions
After the file is ready, the file must be uploaded to the course question bank.
1. On the course website, go to "More", in the top menu. In the drop-down menu, select "Course question bank".

2. Click on "Uploading questions from a Word file".

3. In the next page, choose whether to upload the questions to an existing category, or create a new category.
Adding questions to an existing category:

Adding questions to a new category:
4. Select the field "Add the questions to a new category" and type in a name for the category.

5. Upload the Word file to the file upload panel.
You can upload by dragging it or by clicking the "choose file..." button.

6. Mixing answers in multiple-choice type questions:
The default setting is that in multiple-choice questions the answers will be mixed up (presented in different orders to students).
If you want the answers not to be mixed, remove the V in the field "Mixing answers in multiple-choice questions".

Please note:
1. In the settings of each quiz it is possible to set not to mix answers, even if in the questions themselves it is marked "yes" to mix.
2. At any stage you can enter the settings of a specific question and change the choice (mixing answers or not) for that question.
7. To finish, click on "Save changes".

8. A summary page will now be displayed:
Make sure all the questions are included in the table and that the questions were uploaded correctly.
If so, you can use the questions for quizzes on the course website. Click the "Continue" button to finish the process.