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- Distance teaching with Zoom | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Distance teaching through Zoom Zoom license Obtain a University Zoom license Types of Zoom licenses Update your Zoom version Before the meeting Schedule a new Meeting Send the Meeting link to students Recommendations for preparing for a Zoom lesson Zoom recordings Recording settings (before and during the meeting) Download a recording to your computer Zoom's site Record a meeting without showing the participants (Spotlight for everyone) Zoom's site Manage the meeting Manage a meeting (start a class, zoom interface) Virtual Background Zoom's site Share a video from the computer during the Zoom meeting Improve your video display in the Zoom meeting Turn off sound when someone joins or leaves the meeting Turn off all participants' microphones Filter background noise Enabling and disabling Annotation during screen sharing Zoom's site Getting Started with Zoom Meetings Zoom's site Meeting interface and control panel Zoom's site Using Zoom Whiteboard in Zoom Rooms Zoom's site Divide the students (Breakout rooms) Zoom's site Conduct quizzes in meetings Zoom's site
- Recordings and Video editing | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Recordings and Video editing Instructions for students - Access to recordings from 2022/2023 and previous years Publish Panopto recordings Publication of class recordings to students Sharing recordings (also from previous years) Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto Add a link to a Panopto folder in Moodle Embed a recording from Panopto in Moodle Change the order of the recordings Change the recording's name Add permissions in Panopto (Share) Share an entire folder Share a specific recording Restrict access to a recording Add a co-editor to the folder Upload and transfer videos in Panopto Panopto's site Upload video files Create a new folder Copy and move recordings Download a recording to your computer Record and edit in Panopto Panopto's site Edit a video in Panopto Merge recordings in Panopto Delete recordings in Panopto Record with Panopto for Windows Record with Powerpoint Microsoft's site Record your screen in PowerPoint
- Zoom Recording | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Recording a Zoom meeting As a default, all meetings scheduled through you University Zoom account are automatically recorded. Only meetings scheduled and recorded through the Zoom activity on the course website in Moodle will go directly to the video server on the course website. Meetings recorded via Zoom outside the course site will not be transferred to the video server and will be stored in the Zoom cloud for up to 14 days. What's in this tutorial: Record automatically a specific Zoom meeting Check recording ZOOM meeting during the meeting Record a meeting on the personal computer instead of the cloud Record automatically a specific Zoom meeting Check recording ZOOM meeting during the meeting Record a meeting on the personal computer instead of the cloud Record automatically a specific Zoom meeting Record automatically a specific Zoom meeting 1. Enter the course website in Moodle 2. Enter the ZOOM activity 3. In the window that opens, click on the "Schedule a New Meeting " button 4. On the page that opens, scroll to the end of the page. 5. Make sure that the "Automatically record meeting " section is checked so that the meeting is recorded automatically. In case it does not appear, check off the box next to "Automatically record meeting ". 6. Click the Save button to save the settings. Check recording ZOOM meeting during the meeting Check recording ZOOM meeting during the meeting 1. Enter the ZOOM meeting 2. There are 3 ways to make sure the meeting is recorded: A. The recording icon should appear on the upper left side of the screen. If it does not appear, the meeting is not being recorded. B. In the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, if the "Pause/Stop Recording " button is visible, the meeting is being recorded. C. If the "Record " button appears instead of the Pause/Stop Recording button, the session is not recorded. Press the button to start recording. If the following option appear, choose "Record to the Cloud ". Record a meeting on the personal computer instead of the cloud Record a meeting on the personal computer instead of the cloud There are several limitations in recording to the personal computer instead of to the cloud: - In recording to the personal computer, the names of the participants will not appear - It is not possible to record audio, shared screen and the speaker's video panel separately - It is not possible to record on your mobile device or tablet 1. Enter the ZOOM website 2. Click on "Sign In " or "My Account ", to connect with the personal university account 3. Click on "Settings " 4. Click on "Recording " 5. To enable "Local recording ", press the button and it will change its color to blue 6. Enter the ZOOM meeting 7. Click on the "Record " button 8. Select the option of recording the lecture on the personal computer by clicking the "Record on this Computer " button. 9. At the end of the meeting, Zoom will save the recording on the computer by converting it from a Zoom file to a video file. 10. After the process is finished, there will be access to the Zoom folder where the recording folders will appear. 11. Click on the relevant folder, with the date of the Zoom meeting. 12. Inside the folder several files will appear called Zoom_1.mp4, Zoom_0.mp4 and more. Click on them and the recording will be played in the player installed on the personal computer. Students don't have permission to record the meeting, unless the host enables it through the participants panel.
- Course Management in Moodle | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Course management What's in this tutorial: How to make the course website available for students How to create a Metacourse - combining courses How to make the course website available for students How to create a Metacourse - combining courses How to make the course website available for students How to make the course website available for students When a new course is created, it is not available for students. 1. To make it available, click on the red s ign: 2. In the window that opens, click on “Make course available ”. 3. Now your course website is available to students. 4. To make the course not available, click on “More ” in the top menu and then on “Make course not available ”. On the “My courses ” page, if the site is not available for students, it will be written “hidden from students ”. How to create a Metacourse - combining courses Creating a Metacourse - Combining courses It is possible to combine different course sites into one main course site. This action allows merging the courses into a one-course site (and not using several course sites at the same time). Creating a Metacourse - unified website: 1. Contact us by email at and indicate the course number and the groups' numbers (10 digits) that you would like to combine. 2. After the unified course site is created, you will be able to see another course site in the list of courses on the home page in Moodle. The new course website will have 8 digits (without a group number). The unified course website will usually end with the digits 99 (unless there are already several unified courses, then the digits will be 98, 97, 96, etc.).The list of participants in the metacourse includes the students and teaching staff of all the merged groups. Remember to make the Metaco urse site available to students (check the guide "How to make the site available to students" at the top of the page) Send a Lecturer message to a specific group in the Metacourse The "Lecturer Messages " activity is named "Announcements " in some courses 1. Enter the "Lecturer Messages " forum, then click on " Settings " in the menu at the top of the page. 2. Enter the "Common module settings " section. In the "Group Mode " field, choose the "Separate Groups " option. 3. In the "Grouping ” field choose the "all_meta_groups ” option. 4. To save your changes, click on "Save and return to the course ”. 5. Go to the "Lecturer Messages " forum on the course website. 6. On the upper right side, select the drop-down list to whom you would like to direct the message to (all participants or a specific group). 7. Now you can click on the "Add discussion topic " button, write a message and click “Post to forum ”.
- Quizzes, Assignments and Grades in Moodle | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Quiz, Assignment and grading in Moodle Quiz Create a quiz activity Quiz - Questions Create questions in the Question bank Upload questions from a Word file to course Question bank Question types Create a category in the Question bank Quiz - Create the activity and adjust settings Add a quiz activity to the course website Add questions to the quiz Add images to the quiz Edit the quiz pages Limit the answer attempts in the quiz Add a password to the quiz Create a rubric for grading Essay questions Print a copy of the quiz Quiz - Grading Review students' quiz answer attempts Accept another answer as correct and recalculate the grades Recalculate quiz grade after changes Cancel a question and recalculating a grade after the exam is over Manual grading of essay questions Manual grading of essay questions without displaying students' names Export quiz answer attempts report to Excel Quiz Statistics report Assignment Create an Assignment (file submission) Submit an assignment in groups Advanced grading method - Rubric Advanced grading method - Marking guide Anonymous submissions in Assignment Quick grading submissions Download assignment submissions Assignment FAQ Peer assessment Workshop activity (peer assessment) Grades grades Grade report settings Add bonus to the course grade Add a factor to a grade item Grade activities not submitted via Moodle Grade aggregations guide Grade an activity not submitted via Moodle Import grades according to ID numbers Export grades including ID numbers Automatic grading according to Activity completion Appeals in exams - X's pages Exams Online Exams in Moodle Add an Honor Code Declaration Give time extensions to groups created in Excel Give time extensions to groups created in the course website Give time extensions to specific students Personal Forum Lecturer-Students Hide the quiz from the students Hide the course materials during an exam Instructions for using the Exams server
- Review and grade a quiz | Virtual TAU Support
Review and grade a quiz in Moodle After the students finished the quiz you can see the students' answers, grades, attempts, statistics and more What's on this tutorial: Review attempts of students Manual grading essay questions Export quiz attempts to Excel Quiz statistics report Accept another answer Cancel a question Review students' quiz answer attempts Manual grading of essay questions Export quiz answer attempts report to Excel Quiz statistics report Accept another answer as correct and recalculate the grades Cancel a question and recalculating a grade after the exam is over Review attempts of students Review quiz answer attempts of students After the students finished answering the quiz, you can view all students' quiz results in one table, as well as view each student attempt, and manually add comments or update their grade. View all students results 1. On the course site, enter the relevant Quiz 2. In the quiz page, go to "Results" in the top menu. 3. Here you can see the quiz results table Note: There are "display options" and report filters ("what to include in the report") above the results table - if needed you can always reset table preferences. View student attempt 4. To view a specific student attempt, in the results table click “Review attempt” under the student’s name 5. Here you can view the attempt, add personal comments and override the grade General details of the attempt The question and the student's answer Add comments and/or override grade The student's response history 6. To finish, click “Finish review” on the “Quiz navigation” block on the top right Manual grading essay questions Manual grading of essay questions In a "Quiz ", there is an option to grade essay questions by question (and not per student). How to grade essay questions by question How to grade essay questions without displaying the students' names grade essay questions How to grade essay questions by question? 1. On the course site, enter the relevant quiz 2. Go to "Results" in the top menu and, on the next page select “Manual grading” in the drop down menu on the top left. 3. On the next page, the essay questions list will be displayed. Review and grade the answers to a specific question, click on "grade" in the “To grade" column, or go to "grade all" , in the “Total” column. 4. On the top of the page, there are options to filter and sort the students' answers for grading Please note: Changes must be saved after giving a grade at the end of each page, so it is recommended to grade 5-10 questions per page. 5. Now, you will be able to see and grade the essay answers manually: On the left: The question number In the blue frame: The question text and the student's answer. In the green frame: In the "Comment" text box, you can write feedback for that answer. In the green frame: At the bottom you can grade that answer. 6. To go to the next page, or to finish grading, click “Save and show next” button at the bottom of the page. 7. To return to the essay questions list, click on link “Back to the list of questions” at the top of the page. grade essay questions without names How to grade essay questions without displaying the students' names Step 1: Change permissions in the quiz Step 2: Switch role to Teaching Assistant Step 3: Grade the assay questions Step 1: Change permissions in the quiz 1. In the relevant quiz item, click on “More” and then "Permissions" in the top menu. 2. On the page that opens, find the field "See student names while grading" (Ctrl+F can be used). In the row of "See student identity fields while grading" locate the "Teaching Assistant" permission and click on the trash can icon to remove the permission. 3. Now the “Confirm role change” window will open. Make sure that the permission is "Teaching Assistant” , and that the removal is from the ability to view the students' names while grading. To finish, click "Remove” . Step 2: Switch role to Teaching Assistant 1. Click on your initials in the upper left corner of the screen and click on "Switch role to...” 2. In the window that opens, select "Teaching Assistant" 3. Now next to your name initials, the permission "Teaching Assistant" will appear. At any stage, to return to the normal permission, click again on your name initials and then on “Return to my normal role”. Step 3: Grade the essay questions After changing the role, return to the quiz and grade the essay questions according to the “Manual grading of essay questions ” . Export quiz attempts to Excel Export quiz answer attempts report to Excel 1. On the course site, enter the relevant quiz 2. In the quiz item, go to the "Results" in the top menu 3. To export “results” table: Above the table on the left, select “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” in the drop down menu, and click “Download” To export students’ answers: 4. Select “Responses” in the drop down menu on the top left. 5. On “Display options” choose which data to display, and click “Show report” . 6. Select “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” in the "Download table data as " menu below, and click “Download” Quiz statistics report Quiz Statistics report 1. On the course site, enter the relevant quiz 2. In the quiz item, go to the "Results" in the top menu and select “Statistics” in the drop down menu on the top left. In the top table: General data of the quiz In the lower table: Statistics by question. Clicking on the name of the question will lead to detailed information Download to Excel: at the top of the page, in “Download full report as” field, select “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” and click “Download” Accept another answer Accept another answer as correct and recalculate the grades If needed, after students have finished the exam, it is possible to accept another answer as correct, and recalculate the grades accordingly. This option is available only in “Multiple choice” and “OU multiple response” questions type. Step 1 - Set another answer as correct in a question Step 2 - Recalculate the grades Step 1 - Set another answer as correct in a question accept another answer 1. On the course site, enter the relevant quiz 2. In the quiz activity, click on "Quiz questions" in the top menu 3. Click the gear icon on the relevant question to go to its settings If you use a “Random question” from a question category, click “See questions” , find the question and click on "Edit" and “Edit question" 4. In the field of the additional correct answer, change the "Grade" field to 100% (In “OU multiple response” mark “Correct” to the additional answer) 5. To finish, scroll down and click on “Save changes” recalculate grade Step 2 - Recalculate the quiz grade 1. In the quiz item, go to “Results” in the top menu. 2. Click on the "Dry run full regrade” button to see how the change you will be reflected in the students' grades. 3. At the end of the “Dry run” process, a "Regrade completed" message will be displayed, click “Continue” to finish. 4. Now you can see the grades after the recalculating 5. If the change is correct, click the "Regrade all " button to update the grades for all students. 6. At the end of the process, a "Regrade completed" message will be displayed, click “Continue” to finish. Cancel a question Cancel a question and recalculating a grade after the exam is over If a problem was detected in a question in the exam, it is sometimes necessary to cancel the question and recalculate the exam. How to recalculate the grade without weighting this question? 1. On the course site, enter the relevant quiz 2. In the quiz activity, go to the "Quiz questions" in the top menu 3. On the next page, find the question you want to cancel. Click the pencil icon and update its weight to 0 . 4. Press Enter to save and finish. 5. To see the new grade calculation, go to “Results” in the top menu. On the results table, you can see that the question now is not included in the quiz grade calculation.
- Grade report settings | Virtual TAU Support
Grade report settings The Grader Report displays all grades received and/or entered into Moodle. You can manage course grades in Moodle, set assignment/exam weights, calculate averages, etc. General information about the Grader Report: 1. Any Assignment or Quiz that appears in Moodle (and/or additional grade items) will automatically appear in the Grader Report. 2. Grades entered in activities of this type, such as Assignments and/or Quizzes (even in cases of quizzes where grades are given automatically) - are also updated directly in the Grader Report. 3. Grades can also be updated for activities that were not submitted through Moodle, such as: presenting reports, class activities, etc. 4. Grades can be uploaded from an Excel file to the course website by ID numbers. For instructions, click here . In this guide: Setting Grade Weights Creating a Grade Category Add bonus to course grade What's Shown on a Grade Report What Students See on a Grade Report Showing and Hiding Grades Set grade weights Create a grade category Add bonus to the course grade What's shown on the Grader Report What students see on a Grader Report Show and hide grades Setting Grade Weights 1. On the course website, in the top course management bar, click the "Grades " button to enter the Grader Report. 2. In the scroll box at the top, "Grader report ", go to "Gradebook setup ". 3. In the window that opens, a list of all assignments and grade resources on the course website will be displayed. 4. A "Weights " column will be shown in the table. The default setting is that each activity in the course that has been defined for a grade has the same weight, and the average of the grades of all resources is a simple average. You can give a weight to each resource of the overall grade. The weights are out of 1 or out of 100 - for example, if the weight of an assignment is 80%, you can write 0.8 or 80 in the Weights column. 5. After updating the weights, click "Save Changes " at the bottom of the table. Creating Grade Categories In the Grader Report, you can create categories. For example, if there are 3 assignments to submit in a course, and you want these assignments to together constitute 10% of the grade, you can define a category called "Assignments" and then specify that the category's weight is 10% of the course's final grade. 1. O n the course website, in the top course management bar, click the " Grades " button to enter the Grader Report. 2. In the scroll box at the top, "Grader report ", go to "Gradebook setup ". 3. In the window that opens, click the "Add Category " button. 4. In the window that opens, enter a name for the category and save changes. 5. At the bottom of the course grades table, a row will be added with the created category, which has a folder icon, and its default weight is 0.0. Define a weight for the category and save changes at the bottom of the table. 6. To move the relevant activities into the category folder, check the box at the far right of the desired activity row. 7. Scroll down the screen and under the table on the left, select the desired category in the "Move selected items to " field. 8. Now the Gradebook setup page will refresh and the selected items will appear under the category to which they were assigned. Add bonus to the course grade A bonus can be added to the grade report that will not be weighted in calculating the course grades. The bonus will be an additional numerical grade to the final grade of the course up to a maximum grade of 100. 1. O n the course website, in the top course management bar, click the " Grades " button to enter the Grader Report. 2. In the scroll box at the top, "Grader report ", go to "Gradebook setup ". 3. In the window that opens, click the "Add Category " button. 4. In the next window that opens, enter a name for the category and click on "Show more ". 5. In the Aggregation section, select "Bonus ". 6. At the end of the page, click on "Save changes ". The weight of the bonus category has no meaning in the "Gradebook setup". 7. To add a bonus to a student's grade - the grade must be entered manually on the "Grader report " page. In the scroll box at the top "Gradebook setup ", go to "Grader report ". 8. Enable "Edit mode " on the top right of the page. 9. In the category column, enter the bonus grade in the left field and press Enter on the keyboard. The cell will appear in yellow. The bonus category adds points without weight, and the final course score will not exceed 100. For example, if Student A's course grade is 89 and they receive 3 points as bonus, their final grade will be 92. If Student B's course grade is 99 and they receive 3 points as bonus, their final grade will be 100 (the Moodle grade will not exceed 100). How do I configure what is displayed in the Grade Report? 1. O n the course website, in the top course management bar, click the " Grades " button to enter the Grader Report. 2. In the scroll box at the top, "Grader report ", go to "Course grade settings ". 2. On the page that opens, scroll down a little to the "User report " section where various options appear. For each one, choose whether to display or not. 3. Finally, click "Save Changes ". For detailed explanations for each of the configurable fields, you can click on the question mark icon How do I know what students see in their grade report? Lecturers and teaching assistants see the grade report of all students in the course. Each student sees only their own grades. 1. Go to "Grades " in the top management bar of the course website. In the scroll box at the top of the screen that opens, go to "User report ". 2. On the page that opens, above the table on the left, select one of the students. 3. The table that will be displayed will be exactly the table that the student sees. If there is an activity that is not available to students: Lecturers will see the column in a hidden state (grayed out). Students will not see the column in the grade report. Assignments that students have already submitted and the lecturer entered grades but kept the grades unavailable to students: the teaching staff will see the assignment column and the grades entered in the grader report; Students will not see the assignment column in the grade report. When the assignment is made available to students, they will also be able to see the grades in the grade report. For instructions, continue to the next guide. How do I make grades hidden or visible to students? 1. Go to "Grades ". 2. Enable "Edit mode " on the top right of the page. 3. In each grade column in the table, choose whether to hide the grades or reveal them to students, by clicking the eye icon. Closed eye and title in gray = hidden grades. Open eye and title in blue = visible grades.
- Panopto Recordings | Virtual TAU Support | Tel Aviv University
Recordings in Panopto What's in this tutorial: Embed a Panopto video in Moodle Add a co editor to a folder Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto Change order of recordings Change recording name Restrict access to a recording Publication of class recordings for students Sharing folder and recordings add recordings link to the course Publication of class recordings for students Sharing folder and recordings (also from previous years) Embed a Panopto Video in Moodle Add a link to recordings from previous years in the course Restrict access to a recording Add a co-editor to a folder Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto Change the order of the recordings in a folder Change recording name Recordings that have not been watched for 6 months will be archived and therefore unavailable for viewing. They can be restored, the process may take up to 48 hours. For instructions, click here . Recordings that have not been watched for 30 days after they were returned from the archive will be archived automatically again. Publication of class recordings for students Publication of class recordings for students The recordings of the meetings created through the Zoom resource on the Moodle course website are automatically moved to the course folder on the Panopto server. They will be visible for Teachers in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website in gray . The students will not be able to see them until they are approved for publication by the owner of the recording, and will appear in blue . There are two options for publishing the recordings: A. Publication of a single recording – click here for instructions. B. Publication of all recordings in the course folder at once. All recording scheduled via Zoom on the course website will be moved to the course folder in Panopto and will be published to students automatically – click here for instructions. How to publish a recording of a single lesson to students How to publish a recording of a single lesson to students? 1. Go to the relevant course website, and in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, click on "Course settings ". 2. Close the pop up window that will open on the Panopto website by clicking on the X. 3. Hover the mouse over the recording you want to make available for students and click on the three-dot button. Then click on the "Publish " button. Now, the students will be able to see the recordings published in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website. How to publish the entire course folder to students? How to publish the entire course folder to students? 1. Go to the relevant course website, and in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, click on "Course settings ". 2. In the pop up window that opens, scroll down to the topic "Availability ". Under the heading "Session becomes available " click on "Immediately ” and click on the "X" to close and save. The course folder will be available for students. Every recording made through the course website will be automatically published to students and will be displayed in the Panopto block on the right part of the screen, on the course website in blue . Sharing folder and recordings Sharing folder and recordings (also from previous years) The course folder and specific recordings in Panopto can be shared with students enrolled in courses in the current academic year, even if they are from previous years. You can share them with all course participants or with specific users. Please note: if the recordings have not been viewed for more than six months and have been archived, they must be restored in order to be able to view them. Instructions for restoring from the archive - here . 1. Log into Moodle. In the My Courses page, click on the "Courses from past years " and choose the relevant year. (Pay attention to the academic year in which the course took place: if the course was delivered in 2021-22, you must log into Moodle for תשפ"ב, etc.). 2. In the Panopto block on the right part of the screen on the course website, click on " Course settings ”. 3. Close the pop up window that will open on the Panopto website by clicking on the X. share recording There are two options for sharing the recordings: A. Sharing the entire course folder B. Sharing a specific recording 4. To share the entire folder , click on the Share symbol located in the upper right corner. 4. To share a specific recording (or multiple) , select the recording(s) and click on the Share button under the Course name. 5. In the “Add people and groups ” field, you can either share with all course students, a specific student or multiple students. Option A - To grant viewing privileges to all course students: Type in the course number of the current academic year (for example: 0116593799-2024 -1). Choose the three suggested groups of the course number for the current academic year (each line is separate). Click on "Save ". Click here for instructions to add the link to the course website Option B - To grant viewing privileges to a specific user : Type in the username, or name, or a university email address (Remember to select the option that starts with unified\ ). After the user is identified by Panopto, click "Save" and then click " Done ". To send a message to the user who received the permission - click on " Send an email to notify people ". Click here for instructions to add the link to the course website Option C - To grant viewing privileges to multiple users : T ype in a space-separated list of usernames. Wait until the options list appears and choose "Add multiple users from Moodle2024 " After the users are identified by Panopto, click "Save" and then click "Done ". To send a message to the users who received the permission - click on "Send an email to notify people ". Click here for instructions to retrieve a list of usernames from a course Continue reading to share the link on the course website or with the students add recordings link to the course How to add a link to the recordings in the Course website? 1. Click on "Copy Link " in the Share window in Panopto - in the recording or folder to which you want to give access to. 2. Return to the course website in Moodle (make sure you are in the current school year). Add the "URL " resource in the relevant topic. For instructions on adding an item, click here. 3. In the "Name " field, name the link. For example "Recordings from previous years ". Paste the folder or recording link in the "External URL " field. 4. Click “Save and return to the course ”. The recordings will now be available in the course website. Restrict access to a recording Restrict access to a recording To restrict the access to a specific recording without altering the course folder settings, you can create a subfolder and select the users that have access to it. 1. Enter the folder where the course recordings are located. 2. Click on the "Add folder" button. 3. In the "Enter name" field that opens, type in the name of the folder. (for example, "Recordings for group 1"). Finish by pressing enter on the keyboard. 4. Enter the new folder and click on the "Share" button located in the upper right corner. 5. In the window that opens, click on the "change " button under the "People and groups " field headline. 6. In the pop up window that opens, click on "Stop Inheriting " . This action means that the permissions in the new folder will not depend on the course folder. (If you added someone as an authorized viewer to the course folder, they will not be automatically added to this folder) It is important to leave the V mark next to the section: "Keep 3 members as added users " in order to keep your privileges as the owner of the folder 7. In the section named "viewer " (viewer = viewing permission for students), click on X to remove the permission for students. Leave the creator and publisher permits unchanged (=viewing permission for the teaching staff). To finish, click save . 8. In the Add people and groups field, to grant viewing privileges to a specific user : Type in the name of the user to whom you want to give viewing permission. Choose the option that starts with unified\ . 8. In the Add people and groups field, to grant viewing privileges to multiple users : Type in a space-separated list of usernames. Wait until the options list appears and choose "Add multiple users from Moodle2024 " Click here for instructions to retrieve a list of usernames from a course 9. To finish, click save . For instructions on how to copy a recording you want to share to this folder, click here . Embed a Panopto video in Moodle How to embed a Panopto video in Moodle? All Panopto course recordings will be visible to students in the Panopto block on the right of the course website on Moodle. In order for the recordings to be displayed on the course website under the relevant topic (like the other content elements in the course), the recording must be added as a new resource. 1. Go to the relevant course website on Moodle. 2. Enable "Edit Mode " on the top right. 3. Click on "Add an activity or resource " at the bottom of the topic you would like to add your item to. 4. On the activity chooser, choose “Text and media area (Label) ". 5. In the editor toolbar, select the button with the Panopto icon . 6. Select the video you want to share by clicking the box next to it. To insert it, click on "Insert". In the Movie Selection pane, only videos that are in the course folder on Panopto appear. 7. Press the "Insert " button. 8. To save, scroll to the end of the page and select "Save changes and return to course ". 9. The video will now appear on the course website, in the desired topic. Add a co editor to a folder Add a co-editor to a folder For more people to be able to edit the folder and the recordings that are in it - there is a need to add them as co-editors. This permission is called "Creator ". It is important to know that adding a user as a Creator will give them full permission to view, share, delete, etc. Creator permissions can be granted to specific users (associated with Tel Aviv University only) in the course's recording folder (as well as from previous years). It is important to note that the default for granting permission is through the "Viewer " permission for viewing only (without the ability to edit, transfer, copy or download the recording to a computer). 1. Enter the relevant course folder in Panopto through the course website in Moodle. For instructions, click here . 2. Click on the "Share " button located in the upper right corner. 3. In the "Add people and groups " field, type in the name of the university user to whom you want to give editing permission in the folder (remember to choose the option that starts with unified\ ). On the right side of the screen, choose the type of permission required: Creator = editing permission Viewer = viewing permission only Finally, click "Save" . 4. Now you can send the link to the participants by clicking on "Copy link " and pasting it in an email (Ctrl+V) or by adding the link to the course website . For more instructions on sending Lecturer messages to students, click here . Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto Restoring recordings from the archive in Panopto Due to storage limitations, unwatched Panopto recordings are automatically archived. In the course folder - recordings that have not been watched for 6 months will be archived. In the personal folder - recordings that have not been watched for 2 months will be archived. A recording that has been archived will be displayed as unavailable in the folder. If the students and lecturers want to watch a recording that is in the archive, clicking on the recording will restore the video. From the moment you click on the recording, it will be restored (it can take up to 48 hours) and will be available for viewing. If the recording has not been viewed 30 days after restoration, it will be archived again. Therefore, it is recommended to watch the restored recordings, otherwise they might be archived within 30 days. 1. Enter the relevant folder (whether it is the "Meeting Recordings " folder or a course folder). 2. Click on the "Archived " button (it will show the number of recordings in the archive). 3. Check off all the recordings you wish to restore (at least one). 4. After checking all the recordings for restoration, click on "Restore ". 5. Confirm the restoration in the pop-up message by clicking "OK" 6. Now the restoration process will begin and a message will be displayed: “Video restore from the archive started ”. The recordings will be available for viewing within 48 hours . Panopto will also display the estimated time remaining until the recording is fully restored. When the video is restored, you will receive an email from Panopto and the video will automatically move to the folder. Change order of recordings Change the order of the recordings in a folder 1. On the course site in Moodle, click "Course settings" , in the Panopto block on the right. If you don't see the menu, click the arrow tag on the right. 2. On the page that opens, select the order tab in the left menu 4. Mark the “Set the display order for this folder” field 5. Drag the items to change order Please note: For efficient organization, you can change the recordings ' names . Change recording name Change recording name 1. In the recordings folder in Panopto, hover the cursor over the recording thumbnail, and click the "settings" icon (gear) 2. On the page that opens, click “Edit” in the “Name” section 3. Type in the new name and click “Save” to finish
- Allow extended time | Virtual TAU Support
Adding time extensions for groups or specific students In Assignment and Quiz activities, extended time can be allowed for groups of students or students individually. This must be done in advance for each test or assignment on the Moodle course website. In this guide we will explain the several ways how to do this. What's in this tutorial: user-overrides groups-from-excel groups-created-in-moodle group override Allow extended time for groups created and imported from Excel Allow extended time for groups created on the course website Set extended time for the group Set extended time for a specific student prepare excel file Option A - Allow extended time for groups from Excel The course staff can create new groups on the course website by uploading all the groups at once, from an Excel file. After uploading the groups to the course website, extended time can be set for each group as needed. What's in this tutorial: prepare excel file upload excel file group override Prepare the Excel file with a list of students and groups Upload the file to the course website Allow extended time for groups in an assignment or quiz Step 1 - How to prepare an Excel file with a list of students and groups? 1. Create a new Excel file. 2. Create a column of ID numbers titled "idnumber " (type in lowercase letters). You can use the downloaded list of students as a basis. Click here for the guide to download a list of students. 3. Create a column of the names of the groups titled "group " (type in the first line in lowercase letters). 4. Make sure that each line shows an ID number as well as a group name. 5. The columns must be copied from Excel. This can be done by selecting all the cells in both columns and copying them (Ctrl+C). Step 2 - How to upload the Excel file to the course website? 1. Enter the course website. 2. Click on "More " in the main toolbar of the course. Choose "Groups " in the menu that will open. 3. On the screen that opens, click on "Enrolling participants - Paste from spreadsheet ". 4. On the next screen paste (Ctrl+V) the columns in the Data box 5. In order to create the groups, click on "Enrolling participants to groups " 6. To finish, click on "Continue ". Groups in the course List of students in the selected group If the group in the Excel file already existed on the course website, the students will be added to the existing group. If the group did not exist - a new group will be created and the students listed in the Excel file will be added to it. upload excel file + 7. In the groups page, on the left you can see the groups created, in brackets the number of participants in each group, and in the box on the right the names of the participants in each group. Step 3 - How to allow extended time for groups? Option B - Allow extended time for groups created on the course website Step 1 - Creating the groups on the Moodle course website 1. Enter the course website. 2. Click on "More " in the in the course's top menu. Then, click on "Groups ". 3. On the page that opens, click on "Create group ". 4. In the "Group name " field, type in the name for the new group (for example, "Group 1"). 5. To finish, click on "Save changes " at the bottom of the page. Groups can be added in this way as needed. Step 2 - Adding students to the group 1. To add students to the group, mark the name of the group you created, which appears in the left table, by clicking on it. 2. Under the right table, click on "Add/remove users " 3. The names of the course participants will appear in the right block. Click on the names of the students you want to add to the group you created. 4. To complete the operation of adding them to the group, click on "Add ". New: To the right side of the display, you can see which groups the user is already a member before adding him to the intended group. 5. The names of the added participants will appear in the left table. To leave the page, click on "Back to groups " Step 3 - How to allow extended time for groups? How to allow extended time in an assignment or quiz to a group? This guide includes how to define extended time for a group in a quiz or assignment , due to educational adjustments for example. *In this guide, the examples refer to the "Quiz " activity, but it applies in the same way to the "Assignment " activity. 1. Enter the Quiz or Assignment activity on the course website. 2. In the activity top menu, click on "More ". In the menu that opens, click on "Overrides ". 3. In the window that opens, click on the "Add group override " button. 4. In the "Override group " field, select the group to which you would like to give a time extension. 5. In the "Open the quiz ", "Close the quiz " and "Time limit " sections, the times defined in the quiz settings for all students will appear. Define the Quiz closing time according to the desired extended time: The original end time + the defined time increment 6. It is advisable not to change the "Attempts allowed " section. If the group submitted the test and needs an additional answer (timeout/late start, etc.), the whole group can be granted another attempt. 7. To finish, click "Save ". 8. After saving, you will see the group override in the quiz main page. 9. By clicking on the group override in the brackets, a new page opens. It shows the extended time granted to the group. It is recommended to make sure that the time set corresponds to the need. Overrides must be set for each group separately user-overrides How to allow extended time in an assignment or quiz to a specific student? In Assignment and Quiz activities, extended time can be allowed for specific students. This must be done in advance for each quiz or assignment on the Moodle course website. This guide includes how to define this for specific students, due to educational adjustments for example. *In this guide, the examples refer to the "Quiz " activity, but it applies in the same way to the "Assignment " activity. 1. Enter the Quiz or Assignment activity on the course website. 2. In the activity top menu, click on "More ". In the menu that opens, click on "Overrides ". 3. In the window that opens, click on the "Add user override " button. 4. In the page that opens, in the "Override user " field, enter the student's username or ID number and click on his/her name in the box below. 5. In the "Open the quiz ", "Close the quiz " and "Time limit " sections, the times defined in the quiz settings for all students will appear. Define the Quiz closing time according to the desired extended time: The original end time + the defined time increment 7. To finish, click "Save ". 8. After saving, you will see the student override in the quiz main page. Overrides must be set for each student separately
- Advanced grading in Moodle's Assignment | Virtual TAU Support
Advanced grading in Assignment In an Assignment activity, a grade can be set based on a marking guide or rubric that the lecturer creates in advance. These methods show evaluation criteria and the relative weight of each criterion within the overall grade. Using a predefined guide or rubric can clarify the expectations in the assignment for the students. Also, the guide/rubric ensures greater reliability in grading when different graders are involved. It is advisable to make the marking guide or rubric available to the students in advance to promote submissions more in line with the lecturer expectations. There are two methods of advanced grading in Moodle Marking guide: the grade is divided into criteria, a numerical grade is given for each criterion, comments can be added for each criterion. Rubric: the grade is divided into criteria, and given a scale (for example "needs work, good, very good, excellent"), comments can be added for each criterion. Note: The assessment scale is predefined by the lecturer for each criterion. What's in this tutorial: setting Marking guide grade with Marking guide Rubric indicator grade with Rubric Create a marking guide in an assignment Grade an Assignment using a marking guide Create a rubric in an Assignment Grade an Assignment using a rubric setting Marking guide Create a Marking guide in an Assignment 1. On the course site, enter the relevant Assignment . If you have not yet created the assignment, click here for instructions for creating an Assignment . 2. In the assignment item, click on "Advanced grading" in the top menu 3. On the “Change active grading method to” field, select "Marking guide" and click on the "Define new grading form from scratch" button. 4. On the next page, name the Marking guide. It is possible to add general information or a description in the "Description " field. 5. Define the first criterion: Criterion name , for example: Introduction chapter Description for students: You can write description or instruction for the students, for example: "In the Introduction chapter you need to define the issue being examined, explain its importance and set the goals of the research. " Description for Markers: You can write an instruction for the evaluators, for example: "note that all the required information is clearly written... Add points for… Deduct grade for... " Maximum score: Set the maximum grade (points) for this criterion. 6. Additional criteria can be added as needed by clicking "Add criterion" . 7. In the “Marking guide options” section, you can define whether the grading criteria will be available to students and whether they will see the grade for each criteria. 8. To finish, click “Save marking guide and make it ready” button grade with Marking guide Grade an Assignment using a marking guide 1. Enter the Assignment and click on "View all submissions" . 2. Choose a student's assignment and click on the "Grade" button. 3. On the submission page you can see the submission file on the left side and the submission details on the right side. You can navigate between the pages using the arrows in the upper left corner. Navigate between pages Submission details 4. On the right, in the "Grade" section you can grade and add comments for each criterion you created. To enlarge the marking guide click on the arrow icon in the corner 5. The total grade will be calculated automatically. To finish, click on "Save changes" at the bottom of the screen or click on "Save and show next " to go to the next student. Note: you can change the page layout to your convenience with the buttons in the lower right corner Rubric indicator Create a Rubric in an Assignment 1. On the course site, enter the relevant Assignment If you have not yet created the assignment, click here for instructions for creating an Assignment . 2. In the assignment, click on "Advanced grading" in the top menu 3. On the “Change active grading method to” field, select "Rubric" and click the "Define new grading form from scratch" button 4. On the next page, name the rubric. It is possible to add general information/description in the "Description " field. 5. Set the Rubric criteria: "Click on edit criterion" to name and describe the criterion. "Click to edit level" to set the scale name and points Click “Add level” to add levels to the scale Additional criteria can be added as needed by clicking "Add criterion" . 6. Rubric options: The default is that all sections are checked 7. To finish click “Save marking guide and make it ready” button grade with Rubric Grade an Assignment using a Rubric 1. Enter the Assignment and click on "View all submissions" . 2. Choose a student's assignment and click on the "Grade" button. 3. On the submission page you can see the submission file on the left side and the submission details on the right side. You can navigate between the pages using the arrows in the upper left corner. Navigate between pages Submission details 4. On the right, in the "Grade" section you can grade and add comments for each criterion you created. Click on the scale square to select it. To enlarge the marking guide click on the arrow icon in the corner. 5. The total grade will be calculated automatically. To finish, click on "Save changes" at the bottom of the screen or click on "Save and show next " to go to the next student. Note: you can change the page layout to your convenience with the buttons in the lower left corner
- Upload questions from a Word file | Virtual TAU Support
Upload questions from a Word file to course question bank You can upload questions from a Word file to the Moodle course question bank. In the questions you can add media such as pictures, links and YouTube videos. The questions can be m ultiple-choice questions or essay questions. To upload them to Moodle, prepare the Word file as described in this guide. What's in this tutorial: prepare the file upload the questions Prepare the Word file Upload the questions file to Moodle prepare the file Prepare the Word file In order for Moodle to identify the questions according to the fields that exist in Moodle, the file must include indicators to the fields to the system. The fields are: Question name Question text Correct answer Wrong answers End of question 1. These are the indicators that should be used in the file: Images can be added in any field in the Word file: in the question name field, in the question content field, and also in the answers. After uploading the question with the image to Moodle, the image will appear in its designated place. Examples of questions: A. Multiple choice question B. Essay question Recommendations: - You should number the questions with at least two digits so that the questions are displayed continuously in Moodle, for example: 01, 02, 03 - You can also add the correct answer to the question name, which can make it easier if students have questions (the question name is shown only to the teaching staff). Click here to download a Word file model for the two types of questions upload the questions Upload the questions file to Moodle After the file is ready, the file must be uploaded to the course question bank. 1. On the course website, go to "More ", in the top menu. In the drop-down menu, select "Course question bank ". 2. Click on "Uploading questions from a Word file ". 3. In the next page, choose whether to upload the questions to an existing category, or create a new category. Adding questions to an existing category: Adding questions to a new category: 4. Select the field "Add the questions to a new category " and type in a name for the category. 5. Upload the Word file to the file upload panel. You can upload by dragging it or by clicking the "choose file... " button. 6. Mixing answers in multiple-choice type questions: The default setting is that in multiple-choice questions the answers will be mixed up (presented in different orders to students). If you want the answers not to be mixed , remove the V in the field "Mixing answers in multiple-choice questions ". Please note: 1. In the settings of each quiz it is possible to set not to mix answers, even if in the questions themselves it is marked "yes" to mix. 2. At any stage you can enter the settings of a specific question and change the choice (mixing answers or not) for that question. 7. To finish, click on "Save changes ". 8. A summary page will now be displayed: Make sure all the questions are included in the table and that the questions were uploaded correctly . If so, you can use the questions for quizzes on the course website. Click the "Continue " button to finish the process.
- Improve the video quality in Zoom | virtualtau
Improve your video display in the Zoom meeting You can improve the quality of your video - how participants see you - by changing the camera settings within the Zoom session. How can the video quality be improved in a Zoom meeting? 1. Enter the Zoom meeting 2. Click on the arrow button next to Video in the toolbar 3. Select the option "Video Settings... " 4. Marking V in the "Touch up my appearance " field opens a scale that simulates a cosmetic filter of the participant's face. 5. Dragging the button to the right will allow softening of face features and dragging the button to the left will allow highlighting details on the face 6. Marking V in the "Adjust for low light " field will open a "brightness scale" with which you can control the brightness of the screen manually 7. After the update, the changes are automatically saved and displayed immediately in the Zoom session